Flame Painted Pendant with Flower and Swirls
Excluding Sales Tax
Introducing the stunning Flame Painted Pendant with Flower and Swirls, a beautiful addition to any jewelry collection. This pendant features a striking flower in the center, surrounded by intricate swirls in a range of colors including yellows, greens, golds, browns and blues. The design is hand-drawn and etched using a copper sulfate solution and electrical current, resulting in a unique texture and depth. With its intricate details and vibrant colors, this pendant is sure to make a statement and add a touch of elegance to any outfit.
Videos for product information
For more information, visit these web pages:
- Visit the bottom of my Home Page for videos on how to wear Elegant Ear Cuffs and watch me Flame Paint.
- Learn about my Upcoming Events where you will have the opportunity to try on ear cuffs and select from a much larger variety of jewelry designs.
- Have a question or wish to place a custom order? Go to my Contact Page.